Thursday, June 23, 2011

Five Things I Learned in College - by neely

The older I get the more I see people change their minds about God, Jesus, and the Bible. I grew up in a christian home. I was raised to believe the bible was truth. My parents also taught us the importance of spending time alone with God. Talking to him, letting Him talk to me, and reading His word. I believed that all of what I was taught was right. Once I got into college things started to change. I watched so many different friends that once believed the same as me start to question God, the Bible, and if prayer really worked. All these doubts seemed to be stemming from the religion classes. It really rocked my world when some friends started questioning God's existence. So all this doubting really made me want to figure out why I believed the way I did. Not just because my parents taught me, but I needed to search for myself. Not that I didn't trust my parents beliefs, I almost did too much. I could have just been fine with banking on what they taught me. But I wanted God to show me all over again, who He was.

The first thing I realized is that I never would have all the answers on this earth. Our pastor Tommy at New Church said something a couple of weeks ago that always gives me relief. He asked "Have we searched else where because of the things we didn't understand about Christ? We won't rest until we rest in the fact that we'll never understand it all."
There are more things that I don't have an answer to.

The second thing I realized is that believing in God and his Son is simple. It's not meant to be hard to believe. Matthew 18:4 in the Message says "Whoever becomes simple and elemental again, like this child, will rank high in God's kingdom."

I think that's the point where a lot of people look else where. They can't believe that Jesus is really that simple. They can't believe that its really that easy to grasp. They cant believe that God makes it plain and clear what he wants from us. It seems elementary to them. Anyone who believes soley on what the bible says is considered uneducated. They start to rely on their own knowledge. I find it funny that people will let imperfect people put questions in their mind about a perfect God. I'll bank on what Jesus says any day over some imperfect religion professor. I mean Jesus is the only man they called perfect right? I think a lot of people are searching for something that tickles their fancy. Something they feel good about. Something that makes sense to them. The ones who question the word of God and Jesus himself are the ones who call someone like me "intolerant" or "close minded". They call me intolerant because I chose to not question the word of God. Does that mean I never have questions and doubts about the bible? Absolutely not. I'm always full of questions. But that's where faith and trusting God comes in. God gives us choices. He gives us each a choice to believe in him or not.

My husband Josh is the strongest person I know when it comes to knowing what he believes in. When I've been angry and doubtful of God, Josh always clings to his belief in a sovereign God no matter what. He reminds me of who God is and what He promises in his word. I'm so thankful for a husband who is solid in his grasp on the Lord. Josh has never been disappointed in me for doubting. I'm thankful that he isn't full of questions like me. If Josh had been full of questions and entertaining different ideas, I don't think we could have made it. It would have been a house built on sand. It's not that Josh banks on what he believes is "right" or any particular issue, but he's devoted to God himself.

The third thing I learned is we're not suppose to feel spiritually satisfied. Oswald Chambers says it well... "If we have only what we have experienced we have nothing. But if we have the inspiration of the vision of God, we have more than we can experience. Beware of the danger or spiritual relaxation."

Which brings me to the fourth thing I learned. Holding on to the vision of God and getting to know him is hard work. He seldom talks back but when he does you'll know without a doubt that it was Him. Expect your friends to treat you differently because you live differently. At some point or another every person will make a decision. They'll either chose Jesus and ALL His word, or not. How will you respond? Chris Tiegreen says it like this... "there are no in betweens when it comes to the voice of God. Either it is heard or not. Either its heeded or not. Yet we live in a salad-bar, fashion-trend kind of world that picks and chooses its truth, as though truth could change with the times. But the Ancient of Days doesn't tell us to anchor ourselves in a seasonal truth. We live in a culture that embraces multiple "realities". The underlying philosophy of our age says that whats true for one may not be true for another. Its lauds those who are open-minded and disdains those who think they are right. It believes that absolutist thinking is incompatible with love and kindness. It treats the words of Jesus as nice and helpful, not the dividing line of history. When the King of Heaven speaks, His words are truth. There are no other options. A firm stance on the words of Jesus is not narrow-minded, unloving, or intolerant, as we are often told. Its a compassionate embrace of what's really real. The words of Jesus are the only anchor for a reeling world. The most loving thing we can do is refuse to compromise them."

1 Peter 2:11(nlt) says - "I warn you as temporary residents and foreigners to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls."

In the Message it says it like this, "This world is not your home, so don't make yourselves cozy in it. Don't indulge your ego at the expense of your soul. Live an exemplary life among the natives so that your actions will refute their prejudices. Then they'll be won over to God's side and be there to join in the celebration when he arrives."

In these verses Christians are referred to as foreigners, strangers, temporary residents, exiles, aliens, pilgrims, and sojourners in this world. The ones who don't follow Christ are referred to as natives. So to follow up on my fourth point ... this is a huge reason staying focused on God and His word is so hard. Everyone wants and longs to feel like they belong. No one wants to feel left out. God said we will be like strangers on this earth. No wonder everyone wants to be of this world. They feel good to be accepted and part of a group of friends. I have to keep myself in check by asking myself a couple of questions...1) what makes me different than the people around me? 2)Am I too comfortable?

The fifth thing I learned is that God is in control of all things. And that He is WITH me.

Hebrews 13:5 (nlt) - "I will never fail you. I will never abandon you."

Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with life. Just the day to day things that need to get done. It's hard for me sometimes to stop and spend time with him. If I have a free moment, I will try and spend it getting something done. I know I should and need to spend time with God but I feel like I could get a lot of laundry done in that one hour or so. I can get so overwhelmed at the idea that nothing ever seems finished. There's always something to clean or fix!
The other day my mom gave me this really great analogy. I'll try and share it with you they way she said it... Lets say you're at the airport by yourself. You just get off the plane and now you have all your luggage. You sit down to rest your feet. You realize you need to use the rest room. But who's going to watch your luggage? You cant lug all that luggage to the toilet with you. Sometimes God is saying "Go!!! I'll watch your stuff! Ive got it under control." I think that's way He says a lot to us and we don't hear him. "Go spend time in quiet. I'll make sure nothing goes wrong while you rest." He says. Sometimes we need to go to the "REST" room. Matthew 11:28 - Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

I know this was a lot of thoughts just thrown out there. If I'm being confusing please let me know and I'll try to explain myself better. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

If you want share your thoughts with me, email me at :)